20 June 2009, QUEBEC, CANADA

20 June 2009, QUEBEC, CANADA


ETC Paris once again broke all records of video projection. At this time the Company participated in the commemoration of 400 anniversary of Quebec-City, which was held from June 20 to August 24, 2009.

"Mill images» ("Le Moulin à Images") — light and staging of the history of Quebec-City, created by the talented director and actor Mr. Robert Lepage and his Ex Machina team.

Every evening after sunset wall granary, located in the harbour, became a huge screen 657 meters in length and 33 meters in height. To implement this project, ETC Paris found 27 video projectors Christie Roadster S 20K DLP ™.

Programming and translation of thousands of images, animations and video clips synchronized with the 40-minute show soundtrack became possible due to a universal multimedia platform ONLYVIEW ®.

ETC Paris and Ex Machina collaborating since 2006, when Mr. Robert Lepage has chosen ETC as a technical partner to implement its ambitious project. ETC recommended itself worldwide as a professional in the creation and implementation of large-size video projections.

Mr. Robert Lepage explains: "We chose the company's ETC for their wealth of experience and skill in applying the projection of large images, as well as the flexibility and efficiency of their management software ONLYVIEW ®».

The first work on the site allow to specialists to choose process-oriented approach for best application in this project and to optimize the number of projectors and control computers. ETC Company also got a chance to demonstrate to Ex Machina’s representatives the unique potential and features of ONLYVIEW ®.

The projection area was less than one kilometer in length; finally ETC Company had serious problems associated with logistics.

Projectors must be placed thus and so to not enable any light shadows on the projected image. Therefore these obstacles – first of all, the buildings, placed directly in front of granary — used as a platform for some projections, and for rest equipment had been installed metal structures.

Usually one projector is not enough to fill the screen with 33 meters height. Specialists ETC pull off with this problem by placing the projectors vertically (on sideway) and thus increasing their active DLP-zone and image brightness.

Another difficulty was that the engineering and utility services room with installed ONLYVIEW ® for 1 manager and 25 support computers were located directly in front of granary

walls, i.e. too close for the specialists for field of view on entire surface of the projected image.

Therefore, for programming easement “on-site” and making the final amendments have been provided the second utility room on the other side of the harbour, where you can supervise the whole picture. There was an additional computer ONLYVIEW ®

for managing of program progress and musical accompaniment, and control regulator of DMX protocol.

Projectors linked to each other on the protocol TCP / IP; video distribution was carried out through DVI network. The length of connecting network cable of projectors was 1 km; the length of cable connecting the engineering and utility services room, further around the harbour to the from the projector to the main technical room, then around the port to second utility room — as much as 8 miles!

Marketing Director of ETC Company Mr. Patrice Bouqueniaux said: "To carry out such large-scale video projections without loss of quality, brightness and synchronization — a great achievement. The ETC Company was glory to participate in this revolutionary project, and the opportunity to collaborate with amazing Ex Machina team”.

Mr. Robert Lepage explains: "We chose the company's ETC for their wealth of experience and skill in applying the projection of large images, as well as the flexibility and efficiency of their management software ONLYVIEW ®».